Food, Environmental, and Climate Justice

Food, Environmental, and Climate Justice

Food, Environmental, and Climate Justice By Aundre’ Blasingame Q: Why is food, environmental and climate justice important?  A: Food and environmental justice are crucial because they ensure that everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic status, has access to safe and healthy food and a clean environment to live in. Climate justice, on the other hand, focuses on ensuring that the most vulnerable […]

Food Insecurity in Atlanta

Food Insecurity in Atlanta

Food Insecurity in Atlanta By Karla Coffee-Dunning Food insecurity is increasing since the start of pandemic in 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia. Climate change therefore increases the risk of food deserts. The price of food has skyrocketed due to food shortages and labor shortages. Food deserts are areas where it is difficult to find and purchase fresh and affordable fruits, vegetables, and […]

Why are food, environmental, and climate justice important?

Why are food, environmental, and climate justice important?

Why are food, environmental, and climate justice important? By Vineeta Jagana As food production increasingly focuses on efficiency and quantity rather than quality, the use of chemicals and other cost-cutting resources has significant effects on both the populations living nearby and those that consume these crops. These cost-cutting processes also have detrimental effects on both the environment and climate as high […]

GreenWave’s Approach to Addressing Climate Change

GreenWave’s Approach to Addressing Climate Change

Approximately 40% of our global population lives in coastal communities, struggling to survive in the face of warming waters, collapsing fisheries, and declining economic activity. Regenerative ocean farming–a zero input, polyculture model that grows a mix of seaweed and shellfish–is a replicable and scalable climate solution. Ocean farmers partner with the ocean in order to play a role of revival, […]

Environmental Racism and Unequal Access to Food by Olivia Whatley

Environmental Racism and Unequal Access to Food by Olivia Whatley

Environmental Racism and Unequal Access to Food  Olivia Whatley- Environmental Justice Consultant Here at BCAGlobal, environmental justice is a part of our objective with the Mindful Eating for the Beloved Community Program. Mindful Eating for the Beloved Community works closely with the environmental justice movement to empower communities through food and mindfulness. Equal access to food is at the heart […]

BCAGlobal – Building Community Leaders to Solve Food System Problems

BCAGlobal – Building Community Leaders to Solve Food System Problems

BCAGlobal, as a non-profit organization works with the people, for the people to educate, cultivate, and mentor multicultural talent within the culinary, foodservice, and hospitality industries, as well as honor their achievements, milestones, and supporters. Despite the hurdles and setbacks caused by Covid-19, we have persisted, overcome, and made remarkable achievements in generating more equitable spaces in the foodservice and […]

Truth Transparency and Reconciliation; New Campaign by BCAGlobal and Alliance of Leadership Fellows Seeks Systemic Change in the Food Industry

Truth Transparency and Reconciliation; New Campaign by BCAGlobal and Alliance of Leadership Fellows Seeks Systemic Change in the Food Industry

The first step in creating a just food system is to recognize the truth; that the food, culinary, and food service industries are built on and continue to perpetuate racial inequity. The history of American agriculture, food service, and the culinary industry are inseparable from the nation’s history of racial inequality. Black slaves built the basis of the American food […]

BCAGlobal’s 2022 Food Demonstration Workshop Training Program

BCAGlobal’s 2022 Food Demonstration Workshop Training Program

In April 2022, BCAGlobal completed its hybrid Food Demonstration Workshop training program, elevating eight Food Security Leaders’ ability to prepare donated healthy food and developed the skills to create food demonstrations to be shared with their communities. We cannot overstate that the success of our program was due in part to our collaboration with The Institute for Family Health and […]

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